
What song is playing
What song is playing

Now you can go ahead and search for songs or music you’ve heard and liked in the past. Then the members of the community will listen to the song, and hopefully someone will be able to tell you what the song is. Your recording will be submitted to the community. For instrumental tracks, you can either hum the tune, or play it on an instrument if you can do so. You can also upload a recorded sample if you want to do so. Finally, it never hurts to add a bit more information, like, where you heard it for the first time, and other details that might be helpful. So visit the site, create an account, and record the song.Īlso specify the genre and language of the song, if you know what it is. It is a community of music enthusiasts who can identify most songs and tracks. But it is worth mentioning, it doesn’t work all the time, so there’s a workaround. Sing the song, let midomi do the searching, and it will hopefully come up with suggestions based on what you sung. Be confident, you need to find a song, and be sure you can do it. So now you can head over to midomi again, and this time, be sure to have your microphone enabled (instead of stereo mix). Remember midomi? It was actually intended to be used with real human voices, and that’s why it said “sing or hum”. Whether you remember anything or not, you might remember the tune of the song, and that’s what we’ll use. Or even more, a song in a language that you don’t even understand. Confirmed that via YouTube!īut what if the song you listened was an instrumental, an electronic track. I’m presented with several results, and all the results are quite similar.Īnd yes, I have successfully identified the song I was looking for. But if the results are mixed, you can search for most of the top results to see which one it was.įor example, the other day I was listening to a song on the radio, and all that I remembered out of the whole song was a catchy phrase, almost in the middle of the song. Chances are, you’ll come across the correct song in the first attempt, and you can look it up on YouTube to confirm if it is the right song. Thanks to the various lyrics websites over the web, searching a song by only a few words of the song can bring up accurate results. If you remember any phrase, or any words from the song, just type them into Google, with the word “lyrics” in the end, and you’ll be presented with a couple of search results. Let’s start with the simplest approach: When in doubt, Google it. Once the song has finished playing, there are a few things you can do to identify what it was. When you have already listened to the song So if you’re on YouTube, watching a video which doesn’t mention the music used in the video, you can just open up midomi in a new window or in a new tab and follow the procedure. What’s even better is that this method can also be applied to any other audio being played in your computer. After some time, the recording will stop, and it will start uploading the recorded clip.Īnd in a few moments, you will be presented with all the details of the song. Now midomi is listening, so play the recorded sound clip and see if midomi is actually recording (you can see the sound level bar move and spikes being created). Then you’ll see the usual Flash player warning, click Yes. Once that’s done, head over to, and click the ‘Click and Sing or Hum’ button.


Here’s how to enable stereo mix in Windows 7. Basically this allows your computer to record streaming audio. Then you have to make sure that ‘Stereo Mix’ is enabled. Then whenever possible, transfer the recording to your computer, and play it back to check if the quality is good enough. So all you need to do is record the song as it is playing, and save it. Almost all phones offer a ‘voice recorder’, often built into the phone. However, if you don’t have the app installed, or if your phone doesn’t support these apps, there’s still something you can do. The app will also provide you with an iTunes link or other links to buy the song. In a few moments, you’ll be presented with the name of the song, the artist, and even more information about the song. It will record a short sample of the song and will begin to upload it once the recording is done. Tap the screen and the app will start listening. The next time you come across a song that you haven’t heard before, and want to know what it is, fire up the app. Just be sure to have the Shazam ( iOS – Android) or SoundHound ( iOS – Android) app installed in your smartphone beforehand. No problem! Most (if not all) of us have a smartphone now. You like the music, and really want to know what it is. Suppose you’re at a party or at any other place, and you hear some music playing.

What song is playing